
It's important to read because it's really good for your vocabulary. It's really good for your imagination. I enjoy reading because I find it relaxing.

More Quotes by Emma Watson
If I've learned anything, it's really just to stop trying to find answers and certainties.
I just try and surround myself, for the biggest proportion of time that I can, with people who make me feel normal, because constantly feeling abnormal is quite difficult.
I'm going to do what I want to do. I'm going to be who I really am. I'm going to figure out what that is.
There's nothing interesting about looking perfect.
I like books that aren't just lovely but that have memories in themselves. Just like playing a song, picking up a book again that has memories can take you back to another place or another time.
There's a Theodore Roosevelt speech about the importance of being in the arena, whether you fail or you succeed, or you make a complete idiot of yourself, as long as you're doing the best with what you have, using whatever knowledge you have to bring to the table at that moment. And you continue to keep learning. I think my mistakes have made me much stronger. It's nice to know that things don't ultimately break you; that you need to go there to know.
Becoming yourself is really hard and confusing, and it's a process. It's often not cool to be the person who puts themselves out there.
The saddest thing for a girl to do is to dumb herself down for a guy.
If men don’t have to be aggressive in order to be accepted, women won’t feel compelled to be submissive. If men don’t have to control, women won’t have to be controlled.
Don't let anyone tell you what you can or cannot do, or cannot achieve. Do. Not. Allow. It.