
The scholar, as wise as he was full of wrath, knowing that threats only serve as weapons to the person so threatened, kept all his resentment within his own breast.

More Quotes by Giovanni Boccaccio
While farmers generally allow one rooster for ten hens, ten men are scarcely sufficient to service one woman.
Let this grisly beginning be none other to you than is to wayfarers a rugged and steep mountain.
To have compassion for those who suffer is a human quality which everyone should possess, especially those who have required comfort themselves in the past and have managed to find it in others.
here be said save that even in poor cottages there rain down divine spirits from heaven, like as in princely palaces there be those who were worthier to tend swine than to have lordship over men.
La giovane, che non era di ferro né di diamante, assai agevolmente si piegò ai piaceri dello abate.
Kissed mouth don’t lose its fortune, on the contrary it renews itself just as the moon does.
Senseless creatures, you don't see how much evil is concealed under a little good appearance.
Wrongs committed in the distant past are far easier to condemn than to rectify.
Do as we say, and not as we do.
it is obvious that all vices have a grievous effect on those who indulge them and often on others too. But I believe that the one which can transport us with the most unbridled haste into danger is anger. This is nothing other than a sudden thoughtless impulse, provoked by some perceived offence, which banishes reason and clouds the eyes of the mind, rousing the soul to blazing fury.