
Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. — Albert Einstein

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Minds are like flowers, they only open when the time is right. ― Stephen Richards
Everything must be made as simple as possible. But not simpler. — Albert Einstein
Each work has to pass through these stages—ridicule, opposition, and then acceptance. Those who think ahead of their time are sure to be misunderstood.
Quiet people have the loudest minds. — Stephen King
Swords can win territories but not hearts, forces can bend heads but not minds. ― Mirza Tahir Ahmad
The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it. — Albert Einstein
Stay away from those people who try to disparage your ambitions. Small minds will always do that, but great minds will give you a feeling that you can become great too. —Mark Twain
Student is not a container you have to fill but a torch you have to light up. — Albert Einstein
Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one. — Albert Einstein
The future belongs to hearts even more than it does to minds.