
There are no shortcuts—everything is reps, reps, reps. ― Arnold Schwarzenegger

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All I know is that the first step is to create a vision, because when you see the vision – the beautiful vision – that creates the want power. ― Arnold Schwarzenegger
Because there was a hunger in me to see everything and do everything. I wanted to be everyone I saw. I wasn't enough for me. Can you understand that? ― Sidney Sheldon
Accept everything about yourself - I mean everything, You are you and that is the beginning and the end - no apologies, no regrets. - Henry A. Kissinger
A smile is a curve that sets everything straight. — Phyllis Diller
You know what I should do?" Hoshino asked excited. "Of course," the cat said. "What'd I tell you? Cats know everything. Not like dogs. ― Haruki Murakami
Passion first and everything will fall into place. — Holly Holm
Oh, Issyk-Kul, my Issyk-Kul--my unfinished song! Why did I have to remember that day when I came here with Asel and stopped on the same rise, right above the water? Everything was the same. The blue-and-white waves ran up the yellow shore holding hands. The sun was setting behind the mountains, and at the far end of the lake the water was tinged with pink. The swans wheeled over the water with excited, exultant cries. They soared up and dropped down on outspread wings that seemed to hum. They whipped up the water and started wide, foaming circles. Everything was the same, only there was no Asel with me. Where are you, my slender poplar in a red kerchief, where are you now?
Nothing in the world can make you happy; everything in the world can encourage you to be happy. ― Robert Holden
Once you rid yourself of negative thoughts, they disappeared. Everything is just noise. ― Surajit Roy
Everything must be made as simple as possible. But not simpler. ― Albert Einstein