
Bless up. Don't play yourself. ― DJ Khaled

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One of my keys to success is a lot of pillows. I feel like a lot of pillows is important to relax each piece of your body. ― DJ Khaled
Play! Invent the world! Invent reality!
I create a playlist for each and every character that I play.
I play by my own rules so please think twice before you step into my life.
Perhaps because my background is theatrical, I have a great affinity with the classics. Hamlet has always been a character of great interest to me and a character I would really love to play. Or a character in a Tennessee Williams play, maybe Tom in 'The Glass Menagerie.
Life is to be lived, not controlled and humanity is won by continuing to play in face of certain defeat. ― Ralph Ellison
I'm known for playing bad guys, so this was an interesting departure from what I'm known to play, which is a softer, more likable, affable character.
You have no control over the hand that life deals you, but how you play that hand is entirely up to you.
I think this generation can play a very important role. If we act now, this could be the first generation to witness universal education.
God is the greatest. So at the end of the day and beginning of the day, I thank God. ― DJ Khaled