
I get a thrill out of looking at my Twitter following and seeing how big it has gotten.

More Quotes by Adina Porter
One-liners that must land perfectly in just the right nanosecond can be terrifying.
My life guided me to express my full potential.
I'm very happy to be a working actor.
I read. It affects every decision that I make. Every dollar that I spend, every dollar that I make.
My kids are resilient, I'm resilient, and I guess I am an optimist.
I'm dedicated to bringing to life what the author is trying to portray. I try to make the producers cry and the crew laugh.
I'm not a - I'm beautiful, but I'm not working because I'm drop-dead gorgeous with a fantastic body. I think I continue to work because I'm good at my craft. I'm dedicated to bringing to life what the author is trying to portray. I try to make the producers cry and the crew laugh.
Growing up, I didn't know about the Japanese internment camps until I saw a movie of the week as an adult. I remember going, 'How come that wasn't covered in history class?' Moving to California, you run into people whose grandparents lost everything and their businesses and were put in these internment camps.
I don't strive for balance. I just try to get through my to-do list, with my kids' homework being at the top of it, and then try to prepare for the next audition or whatever scene I'm shooting next. Balance.
This whole thing about announcing stuff and sharing it online is a new phenomenon.