
You think you just fell out of a coconut tree? You exist in the context of all in which you live and what came before you. ― Kamala Harris

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But when you can’t sleep at night, how can you dream? ― Kamala Harris
A patriot is not someone who condones the conduct of our country whatever it does. It is someone who fights every day for the ideals of the country, whatever it takes. ― Kamala Harris
When you break through a glass ceiling, you're going to get cut, and it's going to hurt. ― Kamala Harris
fact, if DACA recipients were deported, it is estimated that the U.S. economy as a whole could lose as much as $460 billion over a decade. ― Kamala Harris
History has shown that one person's willingness to stand up for what is right can be the spark that ignites far-reaching change. ― Kamala Harris
Hope is on the way. ― Kamala Harris
We have to act with fierce urgency. Justice demands it. ― Kamala Harris
I would hear out my critics, but I wouldn't be constrained by them. ― Kamala Harris
In the years to come, what matters most is that we see ourselves in one another's struggles. p 120 ― Kamala Harris
One of my mother’s favorite sayings was “Don’t let anybody tell you who you are. You tell them who you are. ― Kamala Harris