
If my uniform doesn't get dirty, I haven't done anything in the baseball game. -Rickey Henderson

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If I'd just tried for them dinky singles I could've batted around .600.
Nobody wanted me. Scouts told me to go to school, to forget baseball. Coaches said, ‘You’re never going to make it.’ I appreciated their honesty because I think when someone tells you something you may not like, you have to use that as fuel for motivation. -Mike Piazza
Don't ever forget two things I'm going to tell you. One, don't believe everything that's written about you. Two, don't pick up too many checks.
Sports do not build character. They reveal it. — Heywood Broun
One of the beautiful things about baseball is that every once in a while you come into a situation where you want to, and where you have to, reach down and prove something -Nolan Ryan
Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. -Albert Pujols
If you don't play to win, why keep score?
Don't let the fear of striking out hold you back.
I'd walk through hell in a gasoline suit to play baseball. -Pete Rose
A winner is somebody who goes out there every day and exhausts himself trying to get something accomplished.. - Joe Torre