
One of the beautiful things about baseball is that every once in a while you come into a situation where you want to, and where you have to, reach down and prove something -Nolan Ryan

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A thing of beauty is a joy forever: its loveliness increases; it will never pass into nothingness.
Over the years I have developed a picture of what a human being living humanely is like. She is a person who understand, values and develops her body, finding it beautiful and useful; a person who is real and is willing to take risks, to be creative, to manifest competence, to change when the situation calls for it, and to find ways to accommodate to what is new and different, keeping that part of the old that is still useful and discarding what is not.
A bride should look at everything she possibly can...just so she can experiment and see what makes her really feel beautiful or glamorous or classical or whatever she desires to be on that particular day.
American history is longer, larger, more various, more beautiful, and more terrible than anything anyone has ever said about it. — James A. Baldwin
If my uniform doesn't get dirty, I haven't done anything in the baseball game. -Rickey Henderson
I'm grateful people think I'm beautiful or sexy, and I suppose it's better than the alternative, but I do try to fight it a bit so it's not all people see me as. And I'd love to one day be in a position where I could choose a role to showcase my creativity versus just my bra size.
We are put in situations to build our character... not destroy us.
What you lack in talent can be made up with desire, hustle, and giving 110 percent all the time. -Don Zimmer
Forces beyond your control can take away everything you possess except one thing, your freedom to choose how you will respond to the situation.
She was beautiful, but not like those girls in the magazines. She was beautiful, for the way she thought. She was beautiful, for the sparkle in her eyes when she talked about something she loved. She was beautiful, for her ability to make other people smile, even if she was sad. No, she wasn't beautiful for something as temporary as her looks. She was beautiful, deep down to her soul. She is beautiful.