
If cooking is what you love, do it with great vigor, pride, and excellence. It pleases me when I see guests conversing, noshing, happy and satisfied. I savor all the flavors of life. - Kai Chase

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The key to running a successful kitchen is what I call the ‘3 F’s.’ Be Firm, Be Fair, and Be Friendly with your staff, your guests, and yourself. - Will Gilson
I always say that I don't believe I'm a chef. I try to be a storyteller. - Jose Andres
I started cooking professionally because I had hit a point in my life where I was just sort of lost and cooking was something I had always loved and so I grabbed onto it. - Amanda Cohen
Being a boss, it comes at a cost. You have to be really, really driven but I wouldn’t trade it for the world because now I really get to enjoy this thing that we call life. I’m doing what I love to do, and it doesn’t feel like work. - Erica Barrett
What motivates me is to leave a legacy. We need to learn to educate people and set an example. - Cristina Martínez
What you feel like eating at any given moment is what you should have. - Ferran Adria
We’ve been told numerous times that our cooking is 'feminine,' which people always intend as a compliment. We’re happy to be identified with femaleness, as strong and proud women, but the masculine/feminine binary has no legitimate place in culinary expression or its criticism. It’s an artificial construct we’d be happy to see done away with. - Sarah Kramer & Sarah Hymanson
In cooking you've got to have a what-the-hell attitude. - Julia Child
All kinds of beauty do not inspire love; there is a kind which only pleases the sight, but does not captivate the affections.
Chefs don't make mistakes; they make new dishes. - Elizabeth Brigg