
People haven't always been there for me but music always has.

More Quotes by Taylor Swift
To me, Fearless is not the absense of fear. It's not being completely unafraid. To me, Fearless is having fears. Fearless is having doubts. Lots of them. To me, Fearless is living in spite of those things that scare you to death.
I've wanted one thing for me whole life and I'm not going to be that girl who wants one thing her whole life then gets it and complains.
This is a new year. A new beginning. And things will change.
If you're horrible to me, I'm going to write a song about it, and you won't like it. That's how I operate.
Being FEARLESS isn't being 100% Not FEARFUL, it's being terrified but you jump anyway.
Everybody has that point in their life where you hit a crossroads and you've had a bunch of bad days and there's different ways you can deal with it and the way I dealt with it was I just turned completely to music.
The only one who's got enough of me to break my heart.
It's never been about trying to look well-behaved. It's just how I am. I guess it's a weird thing to be 19 and not ever have been drunk, but for me, it just feels normal because I don't really know any other way. I don't know if I'd be comfortable getting wasted and not knowing what I've said. That doesn't mean when I'm older I won't have a glass of wine. I just don't think it's such a strange thing for me not to be wasted all the time.
Just be yourself, there is no one better.
I’m intimidated by the fear of being average.