
Sons are born to make their fathers better men.― Mekael Shane

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I think of your grandmother calling me and noting how you were growing tall and would one day try to “test me.” And I said to her that I would regard that day, should it come, as the total failure of fatherhood because if all I had over you were my hands, then I really had nothing at all. ― Ta-Nehisi Coates
Raising The Kids ....Running the Family Is A Combined Effort of Both Dad & Mom! ― Jaachynma N.E. Agu
We don't lose ourselves in parenthood. We find parts of ourselves we never knew existed. ― L.R. Knost
And his expression, now. I realized right then -- how disappointed you could be when you were all in with someone. When you cared so deeply. How your heart could break, so precisely and quickly. ― Maurene Goo
A man who indulges in parenthood for the first time at the age of fifty-four deserves all he gets. ― Raymond Chandler
I blinked. Because even though my dad never, ever complained about being a young dad, I always wondered about his regrets. How his need to keep abandoned, sad things might apply to me, too. ― Maurene Goo
Most parents think that the commands they give their children are merely suggestions wrapped with lovingness. ― Mokokoma Mokhonoana
I wanted you to know that the world in its entirety could never be found in the schools, alone, nor the streets, alone, nor in the trophy case. I wanted you to claim the whole world, as it is. ― Ta-Nehisi Coates
I knew then that I must survive for something more than survival's sake. I must survive for you. ― Ta-Nehisi Coates
He was all iron outside, but all father within. ― Hall Caine