
If I have held a part of myself back from my children, I have obviously spent some time calculating the expense of being a father. And the fact is, a real father doesn't do that kind of math. ― Craig D. Lounsbrough

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Today you have a situation where now the prescription is: People who don’t have enough money to buy food should end up paying for their drinking water. That is going to be the kind of situation in which you will get more child labor. You will get more exploitation of women. You’re going to get an absolutely exploitative economy as the very basis of living becomes a source of capital accumulation and corporate growth. In fact, the chief of Coca-Cola in India said: “Our biggest market in India comes from the fact that there is no drinking water left. People will have to buy Coca-Cola.
I was the youngest child and really spoiled. I loved to play make-believe. I loved pretending to be all kinds of different people and it just seemed natural that I would go into acting.
A new father quickly learns that his child invariably comes to the bathroom at precisely the times when he's in there, as if he needed company. The only way for this father to be certain of bathroom privacy is to shave at the gas station.
I believe education is the key. As an activist and a child of the developing world, I witnessed education's power to transform lives.
watching his son in quick pulses of attention. ― Thomas Pynchon
I want to tell the children of the world, you are all our children, each one of you is my child and I love you all.
Do not grow old, no matter how long you live. Never cease to stand like curious children before the Great Mystery into which we were born.
Children are happy because they don’t have a file in their minds called ‘All the things that could go wrong.' — Marianne Williamson
There can be no keener revelation of a society's soul than the way in which it treats its children. — Nelson Mandela
If you are God's child, you are no longer bound to your past or to what you were. You're a new creature in Jesus Christ.