
A man could come in the room with his hair not cut, not done, pants around his ankles and people still gon' be like, 'Oh, that's his style. It's cool.' Being a woman, you have to be on your P's and Q's at all times, because not only do you have to keep up your appearance for men, but other women judge you so hard. - Megan Thee Stallion

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There is something extraordinary about people who have a disability to reach (into themselves) on a daily level that becomes supernatural.
People haven't always been there for me but music always has.
When you're appealing to people's fears and anxieties, you can make some gains. — Joe Biden
I never want to change so much that people can't recognize me.
It never ceases to amaze me: we all love ourselves more than other people, but care more about their opinions than our own.
Through me you go into a city of weeping; through me you go into eternal pain; through me you go amongst the lost people.
I'm not a character, so how I rap is just an everyday thing.- Megan Thee Stallion
A lot of people's favorite rappers will literally get in the booth and just make sounds.- Megan Thee Stallion
People wait around too long for love. I'm happy with all of my lusts! ― C. JoyBell C.
People say all the time 'I don't have a good testimony' because they think their story has to involve some dramatic story of change from 'bad' to 'good'. But Jesus didn't come to save people this way. Sin doesn't make us bad it makes us dead. Jesus came to save by bringing the dead to life. And that's an amazing testimony.