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Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise.
Our love defines the way we dream. ― Laura Chouette
to love is to risk, not being loved in return. to hope is to risk pain. to try is to risk failure. but risk must be taken because the greatest hazard in my life is to risk nothing.
To love for the sake of being loved is human, but to love for the sake of loving is angelic. - Alphonse de Lamartine
The saddest thing about love, Joe, is that not only the love cannot last forever, but even the heartbreak is soon forgotten.
If she's amazing, she won't be easy. If she's easy, she won't be amazing. If she's worth it, you wont give up. If you give up, you're not worthy. ... Truth is, everybody is going to hurt you; you just gotta find the ones worth suffering for.
I think you still love me, but we can’t escape the fact that I’m not enough for you. I knew this was going to happen. So I’m not blaming you for falling in love with another woman. I’m not angry, either. I should be, but I’m not. I just feel pain. A lot of pain. I thought I could imagine how much this would hurt, but I was wrong.
I feel like, when people realize that they are the only person they need to impress, everybody's life will be a lot smoother. Megan Thee Stallion
There are few things in life harder to find and more important to keep than love. Well, love and a birth certificate. — Barack Obama
Where there is love there is life. – Mahatma Gandhi