
Well, real estate is always good, as far as I'm concerned.- Donald Trump

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You know the funny thing, I don't get along with rich people. I get along with the middle class and the poor people better than I get along with the rich people.- Donald Trump
It's not like I'm anti-China. I just think it's ridiculous that we allow them to do what they're doing to this country, with the manipulation of the currency, that you write about and understand, and all of the other things that they do.- Donald Trump
Iran is not getting rid of any of its nuclear plants. They're not getting rid of anything. -Donald Trump
I built a great company, one of the - some of the most iconic assets in the world, $10 billion of net worth, more than $10 billion of net worth, and frankly, I had a great time doing it. -Donald Trump
I went to the Wharton School of Finance, the toughest place to get into. I was a great student.- Donald Trump
I give to everybody. When they call, I give. And do you know what? When I need something from them two years later, three years later, I call them, they are there for me. -Donald Trump
I don't make deals for the money. I've got enough, much more than I'll ever need. I do it to do it. -Donald Trump
The Iranians and Persians are excellent at the art of negotiation.- Donald Trump
Obamacare is, number one and maybe least importantly, it's costing the country a fortune. -Donald Trump
Everything in life is luck.- Donald Trump