
We need a great president.- Donald Trump

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In July of 2004, I came out strongly against the war with Iraq because it was going to destabilize the Middle East.- Donald Trump
Stay away from those people who try to disparage your ambitions. Small minds will always do that, but great minds will give you a feeling that you can become great too. —Mark Twain
I think that when you get right down to it, people do evolve on different issues. And, you know, I'm pro-life. And I was begrudgingly the other way. -Donald Trump
I built a great company, one of the - some of the most iconic assets in the world, $10 billion of net worth, more than $10 billion of net worth, and frankly, I had a great time doing it. -Donald Trump
Mr. President, the only thing that stops a bad guy with a nuke is a good guy with a nuke.
I mean, there's no arguing. There is no anything. There is no beating around the bush. 'You're fired' is a very strong term. -Donald Trump
Every time you walk down the street people are screaming, 'You're fired!' -Donald Trump
The great thing to remember is that though our feelings come and go God's love for us does not. ― C.S. Lewis
Our military has to be strengthened. Our vets have to be taken care of. We have to end Obamacare, and we have to make our country great again, and I will do that. -Donald Trump
You’re off to great places, today is your day. Your mountain is waiting, so get on your way. _ Dr. Seuss