
Thousands have lived without love, not one without water. -W. H. Auden

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Water must be free for sustenance needs. Since nature gives water to us free of cost, buying and selling it for profit violates our inherent right to nature's gift and denies the poor of their human rights.
A poem needs understanding through the senses. The point of diving in a lake is not immediately to swim to the shore; it’s to be in the lake, to luxuriate in the sensation of water. You do not work the lake out. It is an experience beyond thought. Poetry soothes and emboldens the soul to accept mystery.
I had my moments of being humiliated, and then I had moments of doing something humiliating. I'm glad I lived out both roles. - Adam Sandler
If you are poor, avoid wine as a costly luxury; if you are rich, shun it as a fatal indulgence. Stick to plain water.
I work out. I used to go to yoga every day. Now I just incorporate yoga into my warm-up and my cool down. I drink a lot of water, and I go to therapy.
Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forward. – Soren Kierkegaard
Being strong and positive is like holding your breath under water. You will never be able to do it forever. Sometimes crying out and express yourself will help you from drowning. ― Vivek Thangaswamy
You can't cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water. — Rabindranath Tagore
Claiming there is no other life in the universe is like scooping up some water, looking at the cup and claiming there are no whales in the ocean.
Great sea captains are made in rough waters and deep seas.