
Ye that dare oppose, not only tyranny, but the tyrant, stand forth!

More Quotes by Thomas Paine
The mind once enlightened cannot again become dark.
To argue with a man who has renounced the use and authority of reason, and whose philosophy consists in holding humanity in contempt, is like administering medicine to the dead, or endeavoring to convert an atheist by scripture.
Reason obeys itself; and ignorance submits to whatever is dictated to it.
Arms discourage and keep the invader and plunderer in awe, and preserve order in the world as well as property... Horrid mischief would ensue were the law-abiding deprived of the use of them.
A constitution defines and limits the powers of the government it creates. It therefore follows, as a natural and also a logical result, that the governmental exercise of any power not authorized by the constitution is an assumed power, and therefore illegal.
When all other rights are taken away, the right of rebellion is made perfect.
When a man has so far corrupted and prostituted the chastity of his mind, as to [profess] things he does not believe, he has prepared himself for the commission of every other crime.
Government is best which governs least
The slavery of fear had made men afraid to think.
It is not in numbers, but in unity, that our great strength lies.