
Either the phone is so seriously thin and flimsy that it is bendable with mere physical force, which I cannot believe given the extensive tests Apple would have done. Or -- and this is far more plausible -- somehow the energy and excitement of the 10 million people who purchased iPhones has awakened their mind powers and caused the phones to bend.

More Quotes by Uri Geller
The lnternet is turning economics inside-out. For example, everybody on the internet now wants stuff for free and there are so many free services available.
Larry Geller’s Leaves of Elvis’ Garden is by far the best book I have ever read about Elvis. It is emotional, revealing and spiritual, and offers the most amazing insight into the king. I highly recommend this dynamic book.
I'll no longer say that I have supernatural powers. I am an entertainer. I want to do a good show. My entire character has changed.
Scientists want full proof under laboratory conditions. And the answer is very simple: When Im put under pressure, I cant perform. Even the phenomenon Im most known for. When Im on stage, Im not under pressure and it happens. In other important places, it happens. But in a laboratory where I really want it to happen, its very hard for me.
I was sued by a woman who claimed that she became pregnant because she watched me on television and I bent her contraceptive coil.
I'm a religious man. I am Jewish but I believe in all religions. I believe in God and see him as an old man with a big white beard and pray to him every day for a few minutes.
I sought a great performer who would deeply impress me, and I found Lior Suchard.
Our meaning is to make our little planet Earth a better place to live, to stop wars, disarm nuclear missiles, to stop diseases, AIDS, plague, cancer and to stop pollution.
I was about five years old when I was eating soup in our kitchen, and as I was lifting the spoon towards my mouth, it bent and broke in half.
I don't take myself seriously all the time; I have to do quirky things, such as helping football teams, moving the ball away from McAllister's foot, getting into The Sun and The Star - because, you know, I like sensationalism, it's a part of what I do.