
Life moves fast. As much as you can learn from your history, you have to move forward.

More Quotes by Eddie Vedder
Everytime I see the Spice Girls, it makes me want to try to fly by climbing my roof and strapping bricks to my shoes.
Sure as I am breathing, sure as I'm sad I'll keep this wisdom in my flesh I leave here believing more than I had This love has got no ceiling
It's saying, just stop, and be together. Don't talk now, just breathe and feel each other's presence.
I had a long talk with Bruce Springsteen on a rooftop during the Vote for Change tour (in 2004). And it boiled down to this: That guy you used to be, he’s still in the car. He’ll always be in the car. Just don’t let him drive. He might be shouting out directions. But whatever you do, don’t let him get behind the wheel.
I know I was born and I know that I'll die... The in between is mine. I Am Mine
It’s a song about first relationships and letting go. It’s very rare for a relationship to withstand the Earth’s gravitational pull and where it’s going to take people and how they’re going to grow. I’ve heard it said that you can’t really have a true love unless it was a love unrequited. It’s a harsh one, because then your truest one is the one you can’t have forever.
The nice thing about money is that you can do good things with it. I still feel like if something needs to be done or we need to raise money for someone on death row, we can find ways to do it.
I don't want to think I want to feel!
Society, you're a crazy breed.
I wish I was the verb 'to trust' and never let you down.