
I would do anything to be around music. You don't even have to pay me.

More Quotes by Eddie Vedder
It’s a song about first relationships and letting go. It’s very rare for a relationship to withstand the Earth’s gravitational pull and where it’s going to take people and how they’re going to grow. I’ve heard it said that you can’t really have a true love unless it was a love unrequited. It’s a harsh one, because then your truest one is the one you can’t have forever.
I'm optimistic yet disillusioned, hopeful yet frustrated.
Life moves fast. As much as you can learn from your history, you have to move forward.
It's the ones without scars - those are the people you have to watch out for.
i change by not changing at all
Music saved me; I mean, my upbringing was like a hurricane, and music was the tree I held onto.
I don't need drugs to make my life tragic.
Sometimes, whether you like it or not, people elevate you. It's real easy to fall.
I'm probably never happier than when I'm by myself in the water. What I've worked and sacrificed for is not to be on stage playing music but to surf in some secluded place. It's a grounding element. Waves don't care who you are.
You don't love me. If you really knew me, you wouldn't love me. You love who you think I am. And don't pretend that you know me. Because I don't even know myself.