More Quotes by Eddie Vedder
It's saying, just stop, and be together. Don't talk now, just breathe and feel each other's presence.
Do you force your kids to pay attention to what's going on, or do you let them live their lives outside of it? My hope is that my child is a strong activist. That would make me most proud.
You kill yourself and you make a big old sacrifice and try to get your revenge. That all you're gonna end up with is a paragraph in a newspaper. In the end, it does nothing. Nothing changes. The world goes on and you're gone. The best revenge is to live on and prove yourself.
War hurts. It hurts no matter which sides the bombs are falling on.
I know I was born and I know that I'll die... The in between is mine. I Am Mine
It seems like every time I start to feel good, something really awful happens. It's like... it's really terrible.
The sorrow grows bigger when the sorrow's denied.
I get really worried, like if they say, 'Take vocal lessons,' or something because it's kind of like I used to really love to draw when I was a kid and then I took like an art class - because everyone said, 'Oh, you're so good, you should take a class and maybe you can be really good,' and then I went to the class and then they showed me how to use a ruler and perspective and all this stuff and it totally made me not want to do it at all.
Sometimes, whether you like it or not, people elevate you. It's real easy to fall.
The nice thing about money is that you can do good things with it. I still feel like if something needs to be done or we need to raise money for someone on death row, we can find ways to do it.