
This the American black man knows: his fight here is a fight to the finish. Either he dies or wins. If he wins it will be by no subterfuge or evasion of amalgamation . He will enter modern civilization here in America as a black man on terms of perfect and unlimited equality with any white man, or he will enter not at all. Either extermination root and branch, or absolute equality. There can be no compromise. This is the last great battle of the west.

More Quotes by W. E. B. Du Bois
Men must not only know, they must act.
Strive for that greatness of spirit that measures life not by its disappointments but by its possibilities.
Nothing in the world is easier in the United States than to accuse a black man of crime.
Most men today cannot conceive of a freedom that does not involve somebody's slavery.
Between me and the other world there is ever an unasked question: unasked by some through feelings of delicacy; by others through the difficulty of rightly framing it. All, nevertheless, flutter round it. How does it feel to be a problem?
To stimulate wildly weak and untrained minds is to play with mighty fires.
The future woman must have a life work and economic independence. She must have the right of motherhood at her own discretion.
Daily the Negro is coming more and more to look upon law and justice, not as protecting safeguards, but as sources of humiliation and oppression. The laws are made by men who have little interest in him; they are executed by men who have absolutely no motive for treating the black people with courtesy or consideration; and, finally, the accused law-breaker is tried, not by his peers, but too often by men who would rather punish ten innocent Negroes than let one guilty one escape.
I am especially glad of the divine gift of laughter: it has made the world human and lovable, despite all its pain and wrong.
Children learn more from what you are than what you teach.