
I was the youngest child and really spoiled. I loved to play make-believe. I loved pretending to be all kinds of different people and it just seemed natural that I would go into acting.

More Quotes by Katherine Heigl
My mother is a realist, and she's had biological and adoptive children, and she said it's no different: No matter what, they're putting a stranger into your arms. You don't know them yet.
The world is still very bigoted.
People make mistakes - they say things they shouldn't have or didn't necessarily mean. But I strongly believe in consequences. If there are none, someone might feel like they've gotten away with something, or that what they said couldn't have been that bad.
I'm not out burning bras, but I'm very opinionated about women owning their power.
Marriage is actually really terrifying. It doesn't work for many people.
I dreamed about these moments, and I think I hoped I would have them, but you don't know. So when the lucky break hits, it's like being Cinderella and hopefully midnight doesn't come.
When I see some of the people who are glorified in magazines these days - who are so thin it's bordering on sickness - I just feel exhausted.
I think it's better to find somebody who's worse at everything than you. It just makes you constantly feel so good about yourself. And then, you can constantly talk about how good you are at everything, and how terrible they are at everything.
We are all human beings, part of the human race, and we need to be compassionate and giving and kind with one another.
I definitely want to go out and explore different personalities and different people.