
It's strange how a word, a phrase, a sentence, can feel like a blow to the head.

More Quotes by Veronica Roth
Some people will always fear change. But we can't indulge them.
Maybe there's more we all could have done, but we just have to let the guilt remind us to do better next time.
Just as I have insisted on his worth, he has always insisted on my strength, insisted that my capacity is greater than I believe. And I know, without being told, that's what love does, when it's right-it makes you more than you were, more than you thought you could be. This is right.
Desperation can make a person do surprising things.
My mother told me once that we can't survive alone, but even if we could, we wouldn't want to. Without a faction we have no purpose and no reason to live.
Desperation can make a person do surprising things.
And sometimes, if you want the truth, you have to demand it.
Sometimes, the best way to help someone is just to be near them.
To me, when someone wrongs you, you both share the burden of that wrongdoing—the pain of it weighs on both of you. Forgiveness, then, means choosing to bear the full weight all by yourself.
One choice can transform you. One choice can destroy you. Once choice will define you.