
For every language that becomes extinct, an image of man disappears.

More Quotes by Octavio Paz
The American: a titan enamored of progress, a fanatical giant who worships "getting things done" but never asks himself what he is doing nor why he is doing it.
The purpose of poetry is to restore to mankind the possibility to wonder.
Modern man likes to pretend that his thinking is wide-awake. But this wide-awake thinking has led us into the mazes of a nightmare in which the torture chambers are endlessly repeated in the mirrors of reason.
A flower without a stem, is beauty waiting to die. A heart without love, is a tear waiting to cry.
The universe unfolds in the body, which is its mirror and its creature.
Humankind is never what he is but the self he seeks.
The world is born when two people kiss
Beyond happiness or unhappiness, though it is both things, love is intensity; it does not give us eternity but life, that second in which the doors of time and space open just a crack: here is there and now is always.
To love is to battle, to open doors, to cease to be a ghost with a number forever in chains, forever condemned by a faceless master; the world changes if two look at each other and see.
I don't believe that there are dangerous writers: the danger of certain books is not in the books themselves but in the passions of their readers.