More Quotes by Nouman Ali Khan
Just because you’re a Believer, doesn’t mean your safe from the Hell-fire.
Every single success you experience is a combination of two things: your effort and Allah's help. When you don't put in enough effort, Allah does not give His barakah. And sometimes you might put in a lot of effort but you may not see the result you expected. That, also, is Allah's barakah.
The most important investment of our time is in our people and in our youth.
Spirituality is impacted not only by remembrance but by diet, stress, sleeping and eating habits among other things. Take care of yourself.
If we show Allah just a little bit of gratitude, He tells us, 'I will increase you, and increase you, and increase you, I swear to it. If you could only show Me the least bit of gratitude.'
You can't just pretend that the things you watch, and the things you hear, and the places you go will not have an impact on your character. They will.
I should be grateful for the tough times because Allah chose me, thought I was good enough to go through it.
People can put you down, and they will but Allah will never abandon you, so long as you don’t.
The real Da'wah to Islam is the character of a Muslim.
There is nothing wrong with having a good job, there is nothing wrong with having a nice house, there is nothing wrong with that. There is something wrong when that is your goal.