
Islam is not about “we’re better than you”. Rather it is about “let me show you something that is better for you

More Quotes by Nouman Ali Khan
The more knowledge (of deen) you have the more humble you should be. Instead you are becoming judgemental.
When Allah grants us the sense to ask Him for forgiveness, then He has granted us a huge favor. It's a sign that He wants to forgive us.
Allah will intervene into our emotional states. He can give you tranquillity again; whether it's anxiety, fear, grief, anger - whatever emotion, whatever thing that's happened that has left you scared, Allah can remove that scar entirely.
The worst expression of the Prophet’s (Sallallahu ‘Alayhi Wa Sallam) anger towards his wife was that he would remain silent.
When you see someone who is not as religious, remember that you were once on the edge of the fire, and it was Allah Subhaanahu wa Ta'ala's favor upon you to guide you. Arrogance will wipe away any goodness from the transformation.
If we show Allah just a little bit of gratitude, He tells us, 'I will increase you, and increase you, and increase you, I swear to it. If you could only show Me the least bit of gratitude.'
The most important investment of our time is in our people and in our youth.
Just because you’re a Believer, doesn’t mean your safe from the Hell-fire.
Our religion doesn't demand perfection but instead a manageable strive to better ourselves.
You train your heart to control your body. That's what you do when you fast.