
If you believe in justice, surely you believe in the hereafter, because this world is not just.

More Quotes by Nouman Ali Khan
Filthy language is used by people who don't have the maturity or intelligence to express themselves with better words.
Insulting the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) is like trying to spit at the sun, it will only come back in your face.
When your Islamic discourse with someone becomes a debate, that's when you know that you have to stop. The psychology of a debate is like a sports competition, and no one likes to lose. So even if you make a good point, the other person isn't going to congratulate you. They are thinking about revenge.
Just because you’re a Believer, doesn’t mean your safe from the Hell-fire.
When you see someone who is not as religious, remember that you were once on the edge of the fire, and it was Allah Subhaanahu wa Ta'ala's favor upon you to guide you. Arrogance will wipe away any goodness from the transformation.
If doctors are paid the same salary as bus drivers, community would not be crazy about making their children doctors
When you find yourself in a position to help someone, be happy because Allah is answering that person’s prayer through you.
When Allah puts barakah (His blessings) in something, it will come beyond your expectations- never underestimate the power of one good deed.
The real Da'wah to Islam is the character of a Muslim.
Husbands and wives, if you guys don’t have a beautiful marriage, a loving marriage, a romantic marriage you are ruining your eeman! You have to have a marriage so awesome that you don’t have to look at the character of a movie or a play and say ‘i wish i had a marriage like this’, your marriage should be better than that because otherwise, Sheytan will come to each one of you and say ‘man i wonder, is there anything better out there, why am I stuck in this?’ Both husband and wife have to work hard to make their relationship work not for yourselves but for your eeman!