
If we show Allah just a little bit of gratitude, He tells us, 'I will increase you, and increase you, and increase you, I swear to it. If you could only show Me the least bit of gratitude.'

More Quotes by Nouman Ali Khan
Insulting the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) is like trying to spit at the sun, it will only come back in your face.
Every relationship has tough days. Don't let the grudge last. Be the first to try to make things right and stop waiting for an apology.
Low self esteem is rooted in many things. One of them is not spending time to appreciate the gifts we've been given.
When you see someone who is not as religious, remember that you were once on the edge of the fire, and it was Allah Subhaanahu wa Ta'ala's favor upon you to guide you. Arrogance will wipe away any goodness from the transformation.
Self restraint in speech, food, entertainment and vanity are the most essential fundamental of spiritual growth.
You train your heart to control your body. That's what you do when you fast.
The more knowledge (of deen) you have the more humble you should be. Instead you are becoming judgemental.
Religion becomes a hollow shell of its former self when ritual remains and thoughtful reflection disappears.
You can't just pretend that the things you watch, and the things you hear, and the places you go will not have an impact on your character. They will.
How do you know if Allah has forgiven you? When someone sincerely asks for forgiveness, then there is no doubt they are forgiven. It is guaranteed. Never doubt if Allah forgave you. First of all be sincere and genuine, and if you meet that condition then there is no doubt.