
When you’re not patient, you start complaining. And the fact that you’re complaining is a sign that you’re not grateful.

More Quotes by Nouman Ali Khan
When you see someone who is not as religious, remember that you were once on the edge of the fire, and it was Allah Subhaanahu wa Ta'ala's favor upon you to guide you. Arrogance will wipe away any goodness from the transformation.
Every single night our soul is taken, and every single night the Angel asks before bringing it back, "Ya Allah what about this one?" "Do You want to send it back?" Do You want to pull the plug or should we keep the Ruh (soul)?" And every night Allah gives permission to the Angel to let us live one more time.
People of dua are optimistic by definition. They know that dua and thoughts like 'unlikely' or 'impossible' don't coexist.
You know how everyone felt like they were the favorite person of Rasulallah salAllahu 'alayhi wa sallam? We need to bring that sunnah into our homes. When we speak to our mother, she should feel that she's the most loved person in our life. When we speak to our wife, she should also get the same feeling. Before we try to change the world, let's bring balance in our homes.
Iblis (satan) himself recognizes the Lordship of Allah, but wants the human being to forget it
When Allah puts barakah (His blessings) in something, it will come beyond your expectations- never underestimate the power of one good deed.
If doctors are paid the same salary as bus drivers, community would not be crazy about making their children doctors
The Heart is like a fuel tank, that you always have to keep filling up with Imaan
When you’re going through something hard and you start wondering where Allah is, just remember, the Teacher is always quiet during a test.
Self restraint in speech, food, entertainment and vanity are the most essential fundamental of spiritual growth.