
Part of our job as human beings is to share our knowledge and share the things we've learned. So we can either save people from making the same mistakes, or give them hope.

More Quotes by Nicole Kidman
When falling in love I think you should say to yourself, ‘I am going to do this fully.’ I love to the fullest extent that I possibly can - and why not?... Maybe this means there is going to be pain, but I am willing to accept the pain.
If you take care of the woman in the family, the whole family prospers. But when the mother falters, the family falls apart.
Don't worry about something going away; enjoy it while it's happening. And don't worry about something that's not even real.
No matter how much you're going to be criticized or no matter how big of a risk it is, the boldness is the thing that helps you
Men don't pay you for sex, they pay you to leave after sex.
It's good to have a little distance. If you discuss your love too much, it just damages it.
I find standing and posing for photos very awkward.
I love acting but I don't like all of the other stuff associated with it. The interest in celebrities, the press, the Internet, when your identity becomes mixed up in the way people are perceiving you.
I believe in continuing to put love and kindness and compassion and art into the world.
The things that go on in my head are far more interesting than what actually happens.