
Happiness, that's obviously different for everybody, but what I call my joy, the thing that makes me feel incredibly satiated, is my family, and then I get to go and play out all of my ideas and feelings through all these different characters.

More Quotes by Nicole Kidman
I think if you have someone to love and someone who loves you, that's the greatest beauty secret.
As a child, my whole life was books. They were my fantasy. That's where I could go. That was a lot of times [what] saved me.
I do have to say my daughter, Sunday, said to me [I was being] overprotective, so you must have been a fly on the wall.
I don't really make decisions, I go with the flow.
I was taught a very strong work ethic that included punctuality, which I've always felt is a sign of respect for others.
I love acting, but it's much more fun taking the kids to the zoo.
I'm willing to fly close to the flame.
When falling in love I think you should say to yourself, ‘I am going to do this fully.’ I love to the fullest extent that I possibly can - and why not?... Maybe this means there is going to be pain, but I am willing to accept the pain.
It's very easy for a couple to experience joy together. But when you experience pain together, it can lead to such depth and such union. That is when you fuse.
If you take care of the woman in the family, the whole family prospers. But when the mother falters, the family falls apart.