
As a child, my whole life was books. They were my fantasy. That's where I could go. That was a lot of times [what] saved me.

More Quotes by Nicole Kidman
You've just got to have a sense of respect for the person you have children with. Anger doesn't help anybody. Ultimately you have to say forgiveness is important, and honoring what you had together is important. But it's easy to say and harder to do.
Don't worry about something going away; enjoy it while it's happening. And don't worry about something that's not even real.
The things that go on in my head are far more interesting than what actually happens.
Part of our job as human beings is to share our knowledge and share the things we've learned. So we can either save people from making the same mistakes, or give them hope.
I was taught a very strong work ethic that included punctuality, which I've always felt is a sign of respect for others.
Even as a child I had a strong relationship with yearning and desire. And loss. Those things spoke to me.
To appreciate the success you have to have had the failures. You have to accept that it is a journey and its not just tomorrow or the next day or next year.
Happiness, that's obviously different for everybody, but what I call my joy, the thing that makes me feel incredibly satiated, is my family, and then I get to go and play out all of my ideas and feelings through all these different characters.
It was very natural for me to want to disappear into the theatre, I am really very shy.
You can't find peace by hiding from life