
I love what I do, and when I don't love what I do, I'll make a change...I can't be the candy queen forever.

More Quotes by Katy Perry
Don't care what people gonna think of you, do what you wanna do and seek just your happiness.
I'm like a fatter version of Amy Winehouse and a skinnier version of Lily Allen.
I came from a lot of intolerance and prejudice, which aren't necessarily healthy to evolve as a human.
Comparisons are easily done, once you've had a taste of perfection
People talk about bullying, but you can be your own bully in some ways. You can be the person who is standing in the way of your success, and that was the case for me.
I love the Seahawks because of Russell [Wilson] and I think that I'm going to probably go for them! Katy Perry
I'm just singing about my own life. Singing about all the little stories in my life and the things I've been through.
People always ask me, 'What is it that you regret?' And I say, 'nothing, because I could not buy what I've learned.' And I apply those things to my life I learn. And hopefully, hopefully it helps me to be a better human in the future and make better choices.
Everybody wants to have a commentary on my life, like they are actually living it. Cool, comment all you want but I'm the one that's living it.
Sometimes if you want to achieve something great, there will be curveballs. You just have to dodge them every once in a while.