
No one is dumb who is curious. The people who don't ask questions remain clueless throughout their lives.

More Quotes by Neil deGrasse Tyson
In the end, it's the people who are curious who change the world.
To learn more about science, turn off your electronic device and go outside and look around a bit. Nature is calling you. Go on. The internet will still be here.
If your belief system is not founded in an objective reality, you should not be making decisions that affect other people.
The problem, often not discovered until late in life, is that when you look for things like love, meaning, motivation, it implies they are sitting behind a tree or under a rock. The most successful people recognize, that in life they create their own love, they manufacture their own meaning, they generate their own motivation. For me, I am driven by two main philosophies, know more today about the world than I knew yesterday. And along the way, lessen the suffering of others. You'd be surprised how far that gets you.
You don't want to raise a kid in a culture where the kid who asks the most questions is annoying. You want a culture where the kid who asks the most questions gets awards and gets another piece of cake.
The most successful people recognize that in life they create their own love, they manufacture their own meaning, they generate their own motivation.
The theory of evolution, like the theory of gravity, is a scientific fact.
Pretending to know everything closes the door to finding out what's really there.
One of the biggest problems with the world today is that we have large groups of people who will accept whatever they hear on the grapevine, just because it suits their worldview—not because it is actually true or because they have evidence to support it. The really striking thing is that it would not take much effort to establish validity in most of these cases… but people prefer reassurance to research.
The worst thing that ever happened to America was the 19th Amendment.