
Whatever the challenge was, however unattainable the goal may have seemed, I never let anyone talk me out of believing in myself.

More Quotes by Muhammad Ali
God will not place a burden on a man's shoulders knowing that he cannot carry it.
If you look at the world the same way when you're 50 that you did when you were 20, then you wasted 30 years.
When you're right, nobody remembers. When you're wrong, nobody forgets.
We all have the same God, we just serve him differently. Rivers, lakes, ponds, streams, oceans all have different names, but they all contain water. So do religions have different names, and they all contain truth, expressed in different ways forms and times. It doesn't matter whether you're a Muslim, a Christian, or a Jew. When you believe in God, you should believe that all people are part of one family. If you love God, you can't love only some of his children.
We can't be brave without fear.
The more we help others, the more we help ourselves
The only limitations one has, are the ones they place on themselves
To be a great champion you must believe you are the best. If you’re not, pretend you are.
You dont lose if you get knocked down; you lose if you stay down.
Success is not achieved by winning all the time. Real success comes when we rise after we fall. Some mountains are higher than others. Some roads steeper than the next. There are hardships and setbacks but you cannot let them stop you. Even on the steepest road you must not turn back.