
It's easier to just be single and not have a relationship.

More Quotes by Kim Kardashian
I’ve just had enough of people misrepresenting me. Get to know me and see who I am.
You don't become a rock star for no reason.
Shake what ya momma gave ya and most of all be sassy.
If I don't like something that's going on in my life, I change it. And I don't sit and complain about it for a year.
I don't like big balls on a dog.
I think as long as you learn from your mistakes, and don't make them over and over again, you're on the right path.
I hate when women wear the wrong foundation color. It might be the worst thing on the planet when they wear their makeup too light.
Nothing comes easy. I know that people joke all the time and try to figure out, you know, what it is that I do, but I work really hard. I get up every day at 5 a.m. and start my day. I think as long as you work really hard and figure out what you want to do and stay motivated and have a plan and stay committed - just don't be lazy. That's my best advice. It's the most simple advice, but it really worked for me. I think that for some reason, I see people that think things will come easy and it doesn't really come easy.
I'm totally growing up.
Even an atheist finds God when they point at what they don't believe in.