
More Quotes by Leo Tolstoy
Happiness is in your ability to love others.
Once we're thrown off our habitual paths, we think all is lost, but it's only here that the new and the good begins.
Memento mori - remember death! These are important words. If we kept in mind that we will soon inevitably die, our lives would be completely different. If a person knows that he will die in a half hour, he certainly will not bother doing trivial, stupid, or, especially, bad things during this half hour. Perhaps you have half a century before you die-what makes this any different from a half hour?
What is important is not the quantity of your knowledge but its quality. You can know many things without knowing the most important.
Very often, all the activity of the human mind is directed not in revealing the truth, but in hiding the truth
Rest, nature, books, music...such is my idea of happiness.
Everything comes in time to him who knows how to wait.
There is no greatness where there is no simplicity, goodness and truth.
Freethinkers are those who are willing to use their minds without prejudice and without fearing to understand things that clash with their own customs, privileges, or beliefs. This state of mind is not common, but it is essential for right thinking.
The most important knowledge is that which guides the way you lead your life.