
It's a big world. Don't get trapped by tiny dreams and feeble problems. Time for big prayers and bold faith.

More Quotes by Louie Giglio
Worship is our response to what we value most. As a result, worship fuels our actions, becoming the driving force of all we do.
It's not the elements of our worship that are awesome. It's the object of our worship Who is awesome.
Don't overcomplicate God's will. Just stay connected to Jesus. Love Him. Look into His eyes. He will lead. Follow. Repeat.
God has plans and purposes for each of our lives. But the beauty is that He doesn't call us and leave us on our own. Jesus actually lives in us to pull off the amazing things that He has invited us into.
You never lose by giving it all to Jesus.
God is always seeking you. Every sunset. Every clear blue sky. Each ocean wave. The starry hosts of night. He blankets each new day with the invitation, ‘I am here.
Even if we don't see it, God is always working underneath the surface, behind the scenes and orchestrating His plans and purposes.
When the enemy comes with shame and blame, tell him to go measure the distance from east to west and get back to you.
Jesus has enough, is enough, and will be enough.
God calls each and every star by name. It’s not likely He has forgotten yours.