
Worship is our response to what we value most. As a result, worship fuels our actions, becoming the driving force of all we do.

More Quotes by Louie Giglio
Every Christian became a missionary the moment God breathed his Spirit into him or her.
People say all the time 'I don't have a good testimony' because they think their story has to involve some dramatic story of change from 'bad' to 'good'. But Jesus didn't come to save people this way. Sin doesn't make us bad it makes us dead. Jesus came to save by bringing the dead to life. And that's an amazing testimony.
If only we knew what was happening when we pray, we would never cease to pray.
Life isn't perfect and that's the kind of world where Jesus showed up. He wasn't born in a palace on a perfect day. He was born in the middle of the night during tax season to an unwed couple in a stable or a cave in a sheep field. That was God's way of showing us that nothing is perfect. Life is chaotic. It's messy. That's what Jesus was stepping into.
Accept the fact that you're never gonna be someone else and embrace the fact that the world needs you as God made you to be.
God's plans for your life far exceed the circumstances of your day.
It’s at the heart of everything we struggle with in life: longing to be valuable, to be accepted, to be prized, to be worth something to somebody, to have a life that matters, and God’s saying ‘You matter! I didn’t make anyone else like you. You’re not a reprint or a lithograph. You’re a one-of-a-kind, original creation of God.
Sin doesn't make us bad, sin makes us dead. The gospel doesn't make us better, the gospel makes us alive.
You never lose by giving it all to Jesus.
God doesn't call people to a job description, He calls people to Himself and His mission in the world.