
Nothing steals God's glory more than worrying believers who are driven through life by fear

More Quotes by Louie Giglio
The Father doesn't give life directions in one big bundle because the goal is knowing Him, not the plan.
Don't overcomplicate God's will. Just stay connected to Jesus. Love Him. Look into His eyes. He will lead. Follow. Repeat.
God's plans for your life far exceed the circumstances of your day.
Life isn't perfect and that's the kind of world where Jesus showed up. He wasn't born in a palace on a perfect day. He was born in the middle of the night during tax season to an unwed couple in a stable or a cave in a sheep field. That was God's way of showing us that nothing is perfect. Life is chaotic. It's messy. That's what Jesus was stepping into.
Worry and worship cannot exist in the same space. One always displaces the other. Choose worship.
Sin doesn't make us bad, sin makes us dead. The gospel doesn't make us better, the gospel makes us alive.
Faithfully carry what God has put in your hands right now. This is God’s will.
Passion is the degree of difficulty we are willing to endure to accomplish the goal.
It’s at the heart of everything we struggle with in life: longing to be valuable, to be accepted, to be prized, to be worth something to somebody, to have a life that matters, and God’s saying ‘You matter! I didn’t make anyone else like you. You’re not a reprint or a lithograph. You’re a one-of-a-kind, original creation of God.
As an overflow of my life - the wake I leave behind with my little dash on earth - I want others to fall in love with Jesus and know of His great hope and purpose for their lives.