
Your mind will answer most questions if you learn to relax and wait for the answer.

More Quotes by William S. Burroughs
In the magical universe there are no coincidences and there are no accidents. Nothing happens unless someone wills it to happen. The dogma of science is that the will cannot possibly affect external forces, and I think that’s just ridiculous. It’s as bad as the church. My viewpoint is the exact contrary of the scientific viewpoint. I believe that if you run into somebody in the street it’s for a reason.
Open your mind and let the pictures out
NOTHING happens by coincidence.
There is nothing more provocative than minding your own business.
The cat does not offer services. The cat offers itself.
The best way to keep something bad from happening is to see it ahead of time... and you can't see it if you refuse to face the possibility.
what a horrible loutish planet this is. the dominant species consists of sadistic morons, faces bearing the hideous lineaments of spiritual famine swollen with stupid hate. hopeless rubbish.
You were given the power to love in order to use it, no matter what pain it may cause you.
To concern yourself with surface political conflicts is to make the mistake of the bull in the ring, you are charging the cloth. That is what politics is for, to teach you the cloth. Just as the bullfighter teaches the bull, teaches him to follow, obey the cloth.
You must learn to exist with no religion, no country, no allies. You must learn to live alone in silence.