
More Quotes by William S. Burroughs
One very important aspect of art is that it makes people aware of what they know and don’t know they know... Once the breakthrough is made, there is a permanent expansion of awareness. But there is always a reaction of rage, of outrage, at the first breakthrough... So the artist, then, expands awareness. And once the breakthrough is made, this becomes part of the general awareness.
Life is a vacation from two eternities, who wants to waste those precious years worrying about what happens when you get back to forever?
in the magical universe there are no coincidences and there are no accidents. nothing happens unless someone wills it to happen
If you weren't surprised by your life you wouldn't be alive. Life is surprise.
How long does it take man to realize that he cannot want what he wants? You have to live in hell to see heaven.
In the magical universe there are no coincidences and there are no accidents. Nothing happens unless someone wills it to happen. The dogma of science is that the will cannot possibly affect external forces, and I think that’s just ridiculous. It’s as bad as the church. My viewpoint is the exact contrary of the scientific viewpoint. I believe that if you run into somebody in the street it’s for a reason.
what a horrible loutish planet this is. the dominant species consists of sadistic morons, faces bearing the hideous lineaments of spiritual famine swollen with stupid hate. hopeless rubbish.
Desperation is the raw material of drastic change. Only those who can leave behind everything they have ever believed in can hope to escape.
You must learn to exist with no religion, no country, no allies. You must learn to live alone in silence.
I am getting so far out one day I won't come back at all.