
When Satan tells me I am a sinner he comforts me immeasurably, since Christ died for sinners.

More Quotes by Martin Luther
From the beginning of my Reformation I have asked God to send me neither dreams, nor visions, nor angels, but to give me the right understanding of His Word, the Holy Scriptures; for as long as I have God's Word, I know that I am walking in His way and that I shall not fall into any error or delusion.
Pray like it all depends on God, then when you are done, go work like it all depends on you.
God created the world out of nothing, and so long as we are nothing, He can make something out of us.
We are saved by faith alone, but the faith that saves is never alone.
But know that to serve God is nothing else than to serve your neighbor and do good to him in love, be it a child, wife, servant, enemy, friend....If you do not find yourself among the needy and the poor, where the Gospel shows us Christ, then you may know that your faith is not right, and that you have not yet tasted of Christ's benevolence and work for you.
The most damnable and pernicious heresy that has ever plagued the mind of man was the idea that somehow he could make himself good enough to deserve to live with an all-holy God.
A happy fart never comes from a miserable ass.
The sin underneath all our sins is to trust the lie of the serpent that we cannot trust the love and grace of Christ and must take matters into our own hands
No man understands the Scriptures, unless he be acquainted with the Cross.
Whoever drinks beer, he is quick to sleep; whoever sleeps long, does not sin; whoever does not sin, enters Heaven! Thus, let us drink beer!