
Some of the most gifted people I've ever met or read about are homosexual. How can you knock it?

More Quotes by Lucille Ball
Luck? I don't know anything about luck. I've never banked on it and I'm afraid of people who do. Luck to me is something else: Hard work - and realizing what is opportunity and what isn't.
Knowing what you can not do is more important than knowing what you can do. In fact, that's good taste.
Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world.
I believe that we're as happy in life as we make up our minds to be.
There's a great deal of difference between temperament and temper. Temperament is something you welcome creatively, for it is based on sensitivity, empathy, awareness ... but a bad temper takes too much out of you and doesn't really accomplish anything.
I cured myself of shyness when it finally occurred to me that people didn't think about me half as much as I gave them credit for. The truth was, nobody gave a damn. Like most teenagers, I was far too self-centered. When I stopped being prisoner to what I worried was others’ opinions of me, I became more confident and free.
Once in his life, every man is entitled to fall madly in love with a gorgeous redhead.
I don't suppose that hard work, discipline, and a perfectionist attitude toward my work did me any harm. They are a big part of my makeup today, as any of my co-workers will tell you. And when life seemed unbearable, I learned to live in my imagination, and to step inside other people's skins- indispensable abilities for an actress.
I'm happy that I have brought laughter because I have been shown by many the value of it in so many lives, in so many ways.
I am not funny. The writers were funny. My directors were funny. The situations were funny… What I am is brave. I have never been scared. Not when I did movies, certainly not when I was a model and not when I did I Love Lucy.