More Quotes by Marianne Williamson
People hear you on the level you speak to them from. Speak from your heart, and they will hear with theirs.
Love is what we were born with. Fear is what we learned here.
Our triumph over sorrow is not that we can avoid it but that we can endure it. And therein lies our hope; that in spirit we might become bigger than the problems we face.
On any given day, in any given moment, something could happen that opens up for you an entirely new path. Be still, be alert, be ready.
No matter what is happening in our lives, we choose how we wish to think about it. And the greatest gift we give ourselves is often our willingness to change our minds. Despite what might seem to be the saddest and most intractable situation, we have the power to believe that something else is possible, that things can change, that a miracle can happen.
We were all born carrying a promise -- a promise to make the world better -- and there's a yearning to make good on that promise that none of us can suppress forever.
Spiritual growth involves giving up the stories of your past so the universe can write a new one.
Love is the essential reality and our purpose on earth. To be consciously aware of it, to experience love in ourselves and others, is the meaning of life. Meaning does not lie in things. Meaning lies in us.
Ego says, "Once everything falls into place, I'll feel peace". Spirit says, "Find your peace, and then everything will fall into place.
Nothing binds you except your thoughts; nothing limits you except your fear; and nothing controls you except your beliefs.