
One thing I learned is that the mind, rather than being the master, should be the servant of the heart.

More Quotes by Willie Nelson
I don’t believe in adhering to any rules I don’t support and I didn’t vote for. To hell with what people think. Just be who you are and you’ll be happy.
Indecision may or may not be our biggest problem.
God has blessed you richly, so get down on your knees and thank him. Don’t forget the less fortunate or God will personally kick your ass. I’d love to do it for him, but I can’t be everywhere.
I live one day at a time, one day at a time. Yesterday's gone and tomorrow is blind, so I live one day at a time.
If you wait for tomorrow to follow your dreams, by the time that you get there they're gone.
We are the same. There is no difference anywhere in the world. People are people. They laugh, cry, feel, and love, and music seems to be the commons denomination that brings us all together. Music cuts through all boundaries and goes right to the soul.
We create our own unhappiness. The purpose of suffering is to help us understand we are the ones who cause it.
You will never find happiness until you stop looking for it.
Ninety-nine percent of the world's lovers are not with their first choice. That's what makes the jukebox play.
I believe that all roads lead to the same place - and that is wherever all roads lead to.