
I never dreamed about success. I worked for it. —Estée Lauder

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If you are not willing to risk the unusual, you will have to settle for the ordinary. - Jim Rohn
One man can be a crucial ingredient on a team, but one man cannot make a team. — Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
The more difficult the victory, the greater the happiness in winning. — Pele
The key to more success is coco butter. – DJ Khaled
Money and success don’t change people; they merely amplify what is already there. — Will Smith
When you lose confidence, show your dedication towards it, success will definitely come. ― Shiva Negi
Success is peace of mind, which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you made the effort to become the best of which you are capable. — John Wooden
Through perseverance, many people win success out of what seemed destined to be certain failure. — Benjamin Disraeli
We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope. - Martin Luther King, Jr.
They think they can keep me out, but it does not matter how many locks they hang at the entrance. There is always another door. — The Thief Who Stole the Stars, by Tristan Chirsley. ― Marie Lu